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I'm a new PI / researcher, where should I start?
New PIs and researchers should read our New PI Brochure or contact for assistance.
How to I gain access to BRMS facilities?
Employees will need to obtain a WisCard, perform required training, and fill out a facility access form.
For detailed instructions including links to training and forms, click here (requires campus login), or contact
Where can I find safety information?
You can visit the BRMS KB article on safety for employees and researchers.
Where can I get assistance writing my protocol?
Our experienced staff can save principal investigators time by transferring non-UW animal use protocols into UW-Madison’s Application for Research Review Oversight at Wisconsin (ARROW) system or by helping with rewrites and amendments.
For more information, click here or contact
How do I obtain and transfer animals?
Biomedical Research Model Services (BRMS) provides services for acquiring, transferring, and transporting research models. Use our online animal ordering form to place a new animal order. You can request an internal transfers and external imports and exports. BRMS provides free transportation for internal transfers to or from an SMPH protocol.
All animals that are housed in BRMS facilities must be ordered through the BRMS office, whether they are donated or purchased. You can place an animal order here.
To initiate a transfer, visit the ordering and transferring website. Animal transfers may take up to one week to process. Submit this form at least one week prior to your preferred date of transfer.
For more information on animal ordering, import, export, transfer, and transport, you can visit our KB article on orders, transfers, and transport (requires campus login).
How do I obtain controlled substances?
Research personnel needing controlled substances must obtain a DEA license for controlled substances and a state Controlled Substance Special Use Authorization (SUA). RARC has appropriate links to obtain the necessary Federal and State applications for your own license for using controlled substances. RARC does cannot dispense controlled substances.
For more information, visit RARC’s page on controlled substances.
Do my animals need to be quarantined?
Rodents imported from non-approved vendor sources may require quarantine. These rodent lines may have pathogens that can affect research and ascertaining what pathogens the rodents have is necessary to determine which UW facilities they are permitted to be housed in.
For more information, visit RARC’s Rodent Quarantine page.
Can I perform research without a protocol?
BRMS Research Services can provide blood, tissue, and organs from our Mouse Specific Pathogen Free facility. Tissues can be picked up and analyzed by your lab or we can work with other campus core resources.
To submit a request, please visit our Tissue Request Form.
For more information, contact